
Maha Moussa Elbatran: A Leader of Resilience, Laughter, and Unwavering Support.

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Maha Moussa Elbatran
What can i say ? We had an interesting love - hate-love relationship over the past 2 years. You taught me resilience, the power of focused execution, and the art of never giving up. I will always remember those epic fights that somehow always ended in laughter, and then more laughter leading to new battles? The classic was 2 weeks back from you " We finally learned to live with each other!" Thank you for always finding a way to support us with the impossible asks (cant list them, you know why : )) This a photo taken on one of those midnights at SC with your team, taken on 12 Aug 2022 at 12.47AM. I find this photo most appropriate as you are leader that always takes care of her team. I have never seen you let them down.
Lubna Hurani and Tobias Toon (missing in photo- i wonder how?)
